Sunday, January 13, 2008

Delayed Holiday Post

Started writing this on Jan. 1st, and here we are about two weeks later. Can you tell my life is a tad bit busy right now??? Oh well, better late than never.
Highlights of my holidays...
-Family being together again (w/ my baby brother home from Iraq- mom was in heaven with all of her kids here this year!)
-Finding out the name of my nephew (arriving next month... can't wait to meet you, Brody!!!)
-New Uggs- yay, thanks Santa! (And yes, I FINALLY threw away my trashed Uggs from 8 years ago... I wore those poor things out... and P.S., I was wearing them way before they were cool!) ;)
-Hanging out w/ family and friends at a baby shower for sis/welcome home party for my bro (so much fun to see everyone!)

What good times! So I just have to end by saying that I have the greatest parents in the world. On the day they headed back to TX (last week), I got home from work to find these awesome surprises all over my place. They left me a cute little plant, a mini rice cooker, some of my favorite groceries (including hummus, soy milk, and veggies), and to top it all off, a Trader Joe's Gift Card! How awesome are my parents? I started crying when I saw everything. Seriously. I was just so overwhelmed with thankfulness. Not just for the things that they left in my room, but for a million little things... countless prayers, hugs, talks on the phone, endless encouragement... and just everything that they do for me. God has blessed me with AMAZING parents who have poured so much love into me. Their support through my entire life (and in the past year especially) has been so incredible, I know I won't ever be able to thank them enough with my mere words. Love you, mom and dad! :)


Melissa Koehler said...

Awww. that is so sweet of your parents! They seem like good people!
Sounds like you had a great Christmas!


we LOVE our UGGS!! i still have mine from 1983, the fuzz on them is a bit jacked up from wearing them in the snow but still good. ( i have new ones) i just can't seem to get rid, it's a guy thing. btw they're not snow boots i found that out the hard way:)