Tuesday, November 20, 2007


A few days ago I was having a frappucino kind of day. Let me explain. I'm a pretty even-keeled, steady person... and I'm also pretty shy when it comes to just "wearing my heart on my sleeve." It's just not a strong point for me, and my close friends and family know that it can be very hard for me to open up and express when I'm having a bad day. (Seriously, saying I'm having a bad day can be like pulling teeth!). So... if you ever want to know how I'm REALLY doing on any given day, here's an insider's clue for you: ask me what I ordered at Starbucks that morning. Almost every day, I go for a tall non-fat Caramel Macchiatto. It's my steady favorite (just enough sweetness, without the insane amount of calories). :) On those days, everything's going great. I'm happy. Steady & even-keeled. Every once in a while, though, I'll step up to a tall non-fat white mocha. On those days, I'm usually extra happy, and I want to splurge a little- just for the heck of it. (If I want to splurge a lot, I'll even add whipped cream!) :)

And then there are my frappucino days. These days are very rare- they only happen every once in a while. But on the days that I order a VENTI caramel frappucino, WITH whipped cream... well, let's just say that I could use a little pick-me-up on those days. So yes, I was having a sort-of-rough-day this past weekend... and yes, I ordered myself a little "pick-me-up frappucino."

Since that day... let me just tell you, I have been SO encouraged and lifted up! (And it wasn't because of the frappucino). ;)My friends & family must know me by now- that sometimes when I say "I'm fine," it doesn't necessarily mean everything's peachy-keen. So I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who encouraged me this weekend when I needed it most. A belated birthday package that came at just the right time (including a Starbucks gift card- yay!)... a text message from my kindred-spirit-of-a-cousin, all the way from Africa... emails and phone calls and text messages from so many of you, sending love and prayers my way... wow, it was just awesome. So many little things from each of you turned into a HUGE gift that really made me smile.

Sitting here this morning, drinking my normal/steady Caramel Macchiatto, I'm realizing once again how incredibly BLESSED I am! I'm just amazed and completely blown away by my friends & family. And so... a few days away from Thanksgiving, I just wanted to let all of you know how absolutely thankful I am that you are in my life. I don't know where I would be without you guys. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement, thanks for just being there for me on my "frappuccino days," and thanks for walking with me through this season of my life- I love you all!


CAITLIN said...

Not sure that it is fair to mention a frappucino...I researched and I am on the only continent that does not have a Starbucks. Clearly God enjoys testing me! ; ) I love you and am happy that I could bring some encouragement to you. I know you do the same for me. I look forward to enjoying drinks with you again soon...regardless of what type of day you are having! Always, C

Markissaearle said...

I LOVE that you wrote this post. Yes of course I totally agree with you and I love seeing what kind of coffee's reflect your moods. My moods are the same, I mean coffee does the same for me too
What a fantastic post
-Melissa E Earle