Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Boudoir Photography Workshop

In the past few months my biz partner (Marissa Boucher) and I have really thrown ourselves into creating some fun educational resources for photographers who want to learn about boudoir... it's been a crazy few months, with the release of our book, website, and now, a workshop. I still can't believe it's all happening so quickly! The workshop has been a lot of fun so far, we've got 5 gals here for 3 days, learning all about boudoir! Today's focus was on our shooting style... here's one of my favorite shots from the day.


Melissa Koehler said...

Gorgeous shot! I can see why this is your fav image!!

Rachel Brooke said...

Very neat shot. It's interesting how what pops out of all the shadows, etc is that one eye... i like that!