Monday, June 9, 2008

My June Playlist

"Without music life would be a mistake." ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

I love music! Every week I have a budget set aside to get new music on my itunes. I love changing my playlists constantly (I usually make a new one every week so that I can have lots of variety while I'm working and imaging photos). Here are a few songs from my most recent playlist. Enjoy!

Oh, and the Joel Auge song is a free download right now on itunes, so go grab it!
(I usually just list artists and songs when I talk about music on my blog, but I saw that Fred Egan uses these imixes - thought it was a great idea, so I'm shamelessly copying his great idea... thanks, Fred). :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Bethany Dillon - heck yes! :)