Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Revolver

"The Revolver" is a really cool art show/live music jam sesh on Tuesday nights at different coffee shops around SD. Tonight I had the opportunity to show some of my work from my recent trip to Africa, so that was pretty sweet. If you live in San Diego and want to get connected with some awesome musicians and artists, you should definitely check out 1825's "The Venue" on Monday nights, and "The Revolver" on Tuesdays (at Milano's in Mission Valley - click here for more info).


CAITLIN said...

Sounds awesome. Can't wait to see all these pictures. Make sure you bring me a CD when you come in September!

Haley Lamb said...

very neat! i love your africa set-up here!

Anonymous said...

Loved that you blogged about your time with the Revolver Network last night! I'm stoked you are apart of the community! We needed some photographic representation.

See you soon!

Marissa and Weston Bouchér said...

Wow! I just love it! Great job.